This software provides unofficial C++ client for users of iyzipay API. More information about iyzipay API:
You can sign up for an iyzico account at
- Qt (core, gui and network modules) 4.8 or greater
- qmake
- GNU g++ compiler
- QJson 0.8 (libqjson 0.8.1 package on ubuntu) or greater
Firstly, create a build directory (which should not be inside the project directory) and cd into it:
mkdir build
cd build
create symbolic link to Certificates/ folder (The folder contains ssl certificates):
ln -s ../iyzipay-cpp/Certificates
run qmake in order to generate Makefile:
qmake ../iyzipay-cpp/ -r -spec linux-g++-64
In order to build application run following command in terminal:
Running application:
- Right click on "" file, select "Open with QT Creator".
- Switch to "Poject mode" by clicking "Project" tab on left (or you can use ctrl + 5)
- Set your Debug and Release build paths in "Poject mode" settings
- Build and Run using IDE