To download the video :
ytbDown -d a6bBbTWgxCU
This will generate a6bBbTWgxCU.mp4 on the current directory.
You can change the name of the created file by adding -n option :
ytbDown -n myvideo -d a6bBbTWgxCU
This will generate myvideo.mp4 on the current directory.
Usage: ./ytbDownloader [-n <fileName>] -d <videoId>
-h : Show help
-d <videoId> : Downloads youtube video with id <videoId>
-n <fileName> : Sets the name of the downloaded video to <fileName> (<videoID> is default name)
git clone
cd ytbDown
- Download any youtube video from terminal
- Specify a name for the file
- Choose video quality
- Download full playlist
- Download full user videos
- Convert videos to mp3 files