bvhar 2.0.0
Start to implement OOP in C++ source for each model, ready for major update.
Add SV specification (
argument) inbvhar_sv()
). -
Prevent SSVS overflow issues by using log-sum-exp trick when computing Bernoulli posterior probability.
Add separate constant term prior specification (
) inbvhar_sv()
). -
Convert every header file inst/include to header-only format. This enables external inclusion of our classes, structs, and Rcpp functions by using
(in R package development) or// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppEigen, BH, bvhar)]]
Parallel Chain MCMC
Use OpenMP parallel for loop
Progress bar will show the status only for master thread when OpenMP enabled.
Interruption detect will just save values and break the loop, not return immediately.
Do burn-in and thinning in each
method to make pre-process parallel chains easier. -
Use boost library (
package) RNG instead of Rf_* RNG ofRcpp
for thread-safety. -
Introduce function overloading to internal Rcpp random generation functions temporarily.
It's for maintainingset.seed()
usage of some functions.