A dynamic data race detector for CUDA programs
NVBit 1.3.1 is the instrumentation framework used by this tool.
NOTE: Since NVBit changes its API several times, you should use the specific version rather than its newest release.
Put nvbit_release, test-apps at the root of the repo. (or modify app_dir and tool_dir in util.sh)
put CUDA programs at test-apps inside a folder with the same name of the programs (together with source code and Makefile)
$ chmod +x ./utils.sh
$ ./utils.sh race_check_trace <appname>
or with pre-compiled binary
$ ./utils.sh make_tool race_check_trace
$ LD_PRELOAD=/<path to repo>/CUDA-Data-Race-Detector/tools/race_check_trace/race_check_trace.so <binary to run> | /<path to repo>/CUDA-Data-Race-Detector/scripts/race_check_helper.py
Show how to check the testapp vectoradd
which comes with NVBit release
$ git clone git@github.com:yinengy/CUDA-Data-Race-Detector.git
$ cd CUDA-Data-Race-Detector/
$ wget https://github.com/NVlabs/NVBit/releases/download/1.3.1/nvbit-Linux-x86_64-1.3.1.tar.bz2
$ tar -xvf nvbit-Linux-x86_64-1.3.1.tar.bz2
$ chmod +x utils.sh
$ mv nvbit_release/test-apps/ .
$ ./utils.sh race_check_trace vectoradd
$ mv test-apps/vectoradd/vectoradd test-apps/vectoradd/run # my script assume default binary name as run, so need to rename it
$ ./utils.sh race_check_trace vectoradd
> no data race is found in the 1th execution of kernel.