- =>
(==) :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> Bool
=>符号: 它左边的部分叫做类型约束。我们可以这样阅读这段类型声明:
- ::
removeNonUppercase :: [Char] -> [Char]
- <>
ghci> [1,2,3] <> [4,5,6]
It's an alias for mappend, from the Data.Monoid module.
- <*>
GHCi> (+) (Just 3) <*> Just 4
Just 7
- . and $
putStrLn (show (1 + 1))
putStrLn $ show $ 1 + 1
putStrLn . show $ 1 + 1
f ( g x ) = (f . g) x
- main: run port app (Servant module)
main = do IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr ("Running on port " ++ show port ++ "...") run port $ logStdout (compress app) where port = 3001 :: Port compress = gzip def { gzipFiles = GzipCompress }
- app: composed of routes and handlers
app :: Application app = Servant.serve (Proxy @ServerAPI) ( static :<|> serverHandlers :<|> Tagged page404 )
routes: static routes and serverRoutes
-- The server serves static files besides the ServerRoutes, among which is the -- javascript file of the client. type ServerAPI = StaticAPI :<|> (ServerRoutes :<|> Raw) -- This will show the 404 page for any unknown route type StaticAPI = "static" :> Raw -- Raw is another app::application type ServerRoutes = Miso.ToServerRoutes Common.ViewRoutes HtmlPage Common.Action
static handler
static :: Servant.Server StaticAPI static = Servant.serveDirectoryFileServer "static"
server Handler (import qualified Common)
serverHandlers :: Servant.Server ServerRoutes serverHandlers = homeServer :<|> flippedServer -- Alternative type: -- Servant.Server (ToServerRoutes Common.Home HtmlPage Common.Action) -- Handles the route for the home page, rendering Common.homeView. homeServer :: Servant.Handler (HtmlPage (View Common.Action)) homeServer = pure $ HtmlPage $ Common.viewModel $ Common.initialModel Common.homeLink
-- Checks which URI is open and shows the appropriate view viewModel :: Model -> View Action viewModel m = case Miso.runRoute (Proxy @ViewRoutes) viewTree _uri m of Left _routingError -> page404View Right v -> v -- Servant tree of view functions -- Should follow the structure of ViewRoutes viewTree :: (Model -> View Action) :<|> (Model -> View Action) viewTree = homeView :<|> flippedView
initialModel :: Network.URI -> Model initialModel uri = Model { _uri = uri , _counterValue = 0 }
homeLink (import qualified Network.URI as Network)
homeLink :: Network.URI homeLink = #if MIN_VERSION_servant(0,10,0) Servant.linkURI $ Servant.safeLink (Proxy @ViewRoutes) (Proxy @Home) #else safeLink (Proxy @ViewRoutes) (Proxy @Home) #endif
-- Holds a servant route tree of `View action` type ViewRoutes = Home :<|> Flipped -- Home route, contains two buttons and a field type Home = View Action -- Flipped route, same as Home, but with the buttons flipped type Flipped = "flipped" :> View Action
404 Handler
-- The 404 page is a Wai application because the endpoint is Raw. -- It just renders the page404View and sends it to the client. page404 :: Wai.Application page404 _ respond = respond $ Wai.responseLBS HTTP.status404 [("Content-Type", "text/html")] $ L.renderBS $ L.toHtml Common.page404View page404View :: View Action page404View = text "Yo, 404, page unknown. Go to / or /flipped. Shoo!"