Angular stuff to easily convert status text into its HTTP code and vice versa.
I only care about real Http statuses, so I used the list from where each code is attached to a RFC.
bower install angular-http-status --save
Once the lib is downloaded, add a reference in your index.html
`<script type="application/javascript" src="../bower_components/angular-http-status/angular-http-status.js"></script>`
npm install angular-http-status --save
Once the lib is downloaded, add a reference in your index.html
`<script type="application/javascript" src="node_modules/angular-http-status/angular-http-status.js"></script>`
It's an object with status text as keys and status codes as values, like:
"CONTINUE": 100, // RFC7231 @6.2.1 :
"SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS": 101, // RFC7231 @6.2.2 :
"PROCESSING": 102, // RFC2518 :
Once you adds HttpCodes
as dependency in a controller / service / ..., you cas use it like:
if (rejection.status === HttpCodes.UNAUTHORIZED) {
Defines the following methods:
toString({Number} status)
: takes a valid HTTP status code and returns its meaning (undefined
if given status isn't in the list)
Here is the code of the controller used for the demo app:
.module('demo-angular-http-status', ['ngHttpStatus'])
.controller('demoCtrl', function(HttpCodes, HttpStatus) {
this.code = 200;
this.text = 'Ok';
this.statusCodes = HttpCodes;
this.toString = function(status) {
return HttpStatus.toString(status);
this.toStatus = function(meaning) {
var statusText = meaning.toUpperCase().replace(' ', '_');
return angular.isDefined(HttpCodes[statusText])
? HttpCodes[statusText]
: '<< Invalid key ' + statusText + ' >>'
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