technology stack : php ,mysql ,javascript ,html ,css
apis :
payment gateway : Razorpay
map Api : mapQuest (ref :
type of user
1.Normal citizen (use publicly available website)
2.Admin ( IT admin which add place details and other cordinates for map)
3.Hospital admin (upload details of doctor with their avialble time and slot)
4.ticket admin (uplad available ticket and their price detials)
flow chart for enitre process
there are two work flows in this projects
1.Noraml user (end user) work flow
use import database and use sql files which is provided in /Database directory
Below is databse schema (all the sql files are provided in /Databse dir
locate xammmp in your pc (by defaulut its c:/xampp/)
copy enitire Repo and pase it in xammp/htdocs
1. Razorpay Payment gateway
2. Map quest api(ref :
Registration od user using otp which is send on email
for appointment booking you have to select one hosputal and all the details of avilabe doctor with their live data is visible to user
After clicking on submit you will recive a mail which consist complete booking details . with time and docotor name
ticket will be send on email with unique id and paymnet id
After login
1.Can verify ticket
2.update aminity capacity
3.update timing
4.Can see all the booktickets
After Login
1.View all appointment
2.add doctor details with slot
3.Can remove or add slot
1.Add aminities
view/Edit aminity
Add to Map
Add Hospital Admin
Email : use your email to send otp and tickets ( ref of how to change email :
Razorpay Payment Gateway Api key : you have to get Razorpay api and use it in project (ref : razorpay official webiste)
Mapquest Api key : change Map Api key (ref :
Install some Packages using composer like Pdfgenerator etc.