This is a news application developed as an internship program project for Appcent company.
- MVVM: Model-View-ViewModel architecture provides the structural foundation for the application, making your code more readable and easier to maintain.
- Jetpack Compose: A new and powerful way to develop modern Android UIs.
- OkHttp and Retrofit: Popular libraries used for sending and receiving HTTP requests.
- Gson: A library used for processing JSON data.
- Room DB: A robust and flexible SQLite object mapping library, part of Android Architecture Components, used for database management.
- Hilt Dagger: Dependency injection library used for dependency injection.
- Coroutine: A feature of the Kotlin language used to manage asynchronous tasks.
- LiveData and ViewModel: Components with lifecycle awareness, part of Android Architecture Components.
- Coil: A lightweight and fast library used for loading and displaying images.
- Navigation Compose: Jetpack Navigation's integration with Jetpack Compose.
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