A tool to make the imitation of Alexander Alexandrovich Lyubishchev's time billing method a lot easier.
After all, it's already half a century later. We have the great aid of computers. We don't have to spend two days to complete the billing of the whole year. Let our computer slaves mind those boring parts for us.
from github:
git clone https://github.com/yuex/timecalc.git
cd timecalc
python setup.py install
from pypi:
pip install timecalc
add up times
timecalc sum 1/30 /30 2/
average time
timecalc avg 70/ 4 28
analyze yml book
cat example.yml
- 一类:
# Jan
- 读书:
- 英语:
- 英语说文解字: 21/30
- 技术:
- Hacker's Guide to Git: 4/40
- 工作: 3/
# Feb
- 读书:
- 英语:
- 英语说文解字: 26/15
- 技术:
- Little Book of Semaphore: 2/
- 工作: 3/
timecalc yml example.yml
- 一类 60/25:
- 工作: 6/
- 读书 54/25:
- 英语 47/45:
- 英语说文解字: 47/45
- 技术 6/40:
- Hacker's Guide to Git: 4/40
- Little Book of Semaphore: 2/