A twitch/discord bot to record bans in a channel and log them in a discord server.
Bans on a Twitch channel will be reported to the specified channel in botconfig.chatBans To have the bot join your channel, use /join in the channel specified in botconfig.botChannel
The bot will never say anything in a Twitch channel. It will only listen for ban events then report them in Discord.
Under no circumstances should you ever add the bot to someones Twitch channel without their express permission. This is a violation of the Twitch TOS. Also under no circumstances should you take this code and implement a method to cross-ban users in multiple channels. This is also against the Twitch TOS. Violating the Twitch TOS will result in a permanant ban from all of Twitch.
Read up on the Twitch TOS here: https://www.twitch.tv/p/legal/terms-of-service/
Twitch Support: https://help.twitch.tv/s/
To get support on this code, please contact me via Discord at Gravvy#9440