Realtime music autotagging based on the Discogs taxonomy (400 subgenre tags). Sending topTags via OSC.
This is a 'hack' of the actual Essentia.js demo :
- Replaced YT by audio device capture.
- Should work on SmartPhone, Tablet, PC computer ... every modern device with Chromium Based Browser.
- Send top 5 predictions to OSC server via UDP.
- Designed for easy integration to WLEDAudioSync Chataigne Module but should work with any OSC server.
Node.js version used : 18.6. Dev made with vue.js & vite.js. Using osc.js (2.4.4) for OSC communication.
Take your binary from release file depend of your OS, run it !
This is a portable nodejs version with all included (made with pkg).
Once running, open your browser and go to https://localhost:8000/WLEDAudioSyncRTMGC/
You need to accept the self-signed certificate.
If you want to customize it, download the source, generate a certificate
and copy the .key and .cert file under security folder.
download all to your nodejs work folder
cd server
npm install
for the first time -
npm run dev
cd views
npm install
for the first timenpm run dev
cd views
npm run build
Default server port : 8000
Default OSC ip address :
Default OSC port : 12000
Can be changed via Env variables.
Good to set ENV_NODE=Production for better, increased performance before run the app.