Eirian will take commands from the user and scrape two different sites. It will deliver information on new cases, active cases, deaths, and total cases for cities based on public health units. Additionally, it will provide provincial-wide statistics. Eirian also provides information on vaccine doses administered and the percentage of the population immunized.
Link: https://devpost.com/software/eirian
- https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/downloads -> download correct version according to device -> place in C:\Program Files (x86)\
- Requires Python installation of selenium and discord python libraries ->Install the libraries listed below by typing them into Command Prompt ->pip install selenium ->pip install discord
- Set up your own Discord Bot Application -> http://discord.com/developers/applications -> Place its auth token into the python file by replacing "ENTER YOUR TOKEN HERE" with your token
">newCases" (gives Ontario stats)
">newDeaths" (gives Ontario stats)
">totalCases" (gives Ontario stats)
">totalDeaths" (gives Ontario stats)
">totalActive" (gives Ontario stats)
">newCases City"
">totalDeaths City"
">totalCases City"
">totalActive City"
">help" (Provides command descriptions)
Zakir - @zakirdawood
Nausin - @aminnausin
Muyeed - @muyeed10
Yamin - @yaminxv