Author : Zeryab Moussaoui
This is an implementation of Fuzzy Logic Control Type 2 for Mobile Robot. It is based on :
- The Mission On Mars Robot Challenge environment
- The IT2-FLS library.
It performs Goal Reach to a defined landmark, with obstacle Avoidance. Both functions are implented using Fuzzy LogiC Control type 1 or 2.
Warning for non-professionnal : this would be either expensive or illegal. I hate to open-source code which only worked on proprietary software.
Matlab/Simulink (Tested on R2015B).
Mission On Mars Robot Challenge required librairies :
- Control System Toolbox.
- Database Toolbox.
- Stateflow.
- Systemtest
- My patched version of IT2-FLS library.
Copy in your Mission On Mars Robot Challenge environment :
- The .slx files to the ./model directory.
- The scenario to the ./scenario directory.
- The loadParameters to the ./data directory.
Load the T2_avoidance.t2fis example controller using readt2fis
Follow the Mission On Mars Robot Challenge documentation.