The project is from the CS744 course, Management Issues in Software Engineering.
MERCURY: Kyle Van Allen, Xianrui Zhu and Zeya Kong
This project aims at developing a visual tool to monitor network communication. Credit card processing has been chosen as the application domain and hence communications based on credit card transactions will be modeled in this project.Web-based application.
SSM: (Spring SpringMVC Mybatis)
Apache Tomcat
- SQL.
- DEMO6. .Demo6 was deployed in the windows server Go to Website (unavailable now).
- data.
After one semester's developing, our team finished this project. We implemented all the functionalities according to the project requirements by using agile Scrum method. Here is the final report for this project.
In this project, as a team work, we used Scrum method to develop the whole project. All team members met three times every week and email every day to fix the problem. Everyone was fully involved in this project and built very nice contributions. All of the Sprint meeting logs are stored at the Document
folder. Thanks to all team membrs, our team demonstrated our final demo very well and reached a high score in the whole class.