This project is the computer vision algorithm of Xi'an Jiaotong University using for sentry's automatic aiming in the 2018 Robomaster. This project finally send target's coordinate(x, y of image coordinate system) to PLC through serial port.
If you find any problem, you can contact me using WeChat. My WeChat ID: lesile_Perte912
ROS1.0 Kinetic
Cmake2.8.3 version above Kinetic initial condition
2.put all of the folder in src
3.catkin_make in the terminal of current path
1.Open terminal and input command: &roscore
2.Open terminal of your created ros condition folder and input follow command
3.&source devel/setup.bash
4.&rosrun package-name executable-name
1./sentry_4.2/opencv_testcam.cpp -lightness threshold
you can find two_threshval and two_number_threshval(global variable)
2./sentry_4.2/contours.h -color(select blue or red)
you can change color in the last if-statement in the full_small_contours(..)-function