- Read through daily log of items and backlog review items to generate a review items sheet
- Write review items sheet to Google spreadsheet, pick todo items for today from review items
- Pick a quote from my bank of quotes, concatenate with todo items for today and send a daily reminder email
- Accomodate personalized and evolving data model and prioritization
- Integrate with configuration-driven Ebbinghaus memory curve
- Install dependencies
pip3 install --upgrade --user google-api-python-client oauth2client
- Create src/conf.json looking like this
"quote-url": "https://xxx",
"email-user": "xxx@xxx.com",
"email-pwd": "xxx",
"email-recipient": "yyy@yyy.com",
"email-sender": "zzz"
- Set up Google oauth2 client secret (expects src/client/credentials.json to bootstrap, and keeps src/client/token.json for authentication)
- Example crontab -e setup
0 20 * * * /home/zhehao/issue-tracker/src/main.py
- Google spreadsheet Python API
- oauth2client
- smtplib