Kinopoisk - sample multi modals app developed with android architecture components, conventions plugins.
├── app.............. Entry point to the mobile application
│ └── NavHost.... App navigation coordination
├── core......... Independent project/component logic
│ ├── common...... Utilities, extension functions, helpers
│ ├── network..... Interaction with the network
│ ├── database.... Database
│ ├── data........ Repositories
│ ├── domain...... Business logic
│ ├── model....... Business logic models
│ ├── ui.......... Basic UI components, themes, color schemes, comprehensive UI components for a specific presentation
├── features....... All screens are divided into module-features
│ ├── films....... Feature list of films
│ └── film_details....... Feature details about the film
└──gradle-plugins.......... Convention gradle plugin for forwarding dependencies between modules