This research project is a Case Study in Punjab, Pakistan.In this Data Science & Machine Learning project study about the data classification of children into two groups 'Abnormal' and 'Normal'
on the basis on basis different features which are directly impact on Children's (of age below 17) Psychologically and Behavioral using State-of-art
Machine learning and transfer learning and some clustering-based algorithms. During preprocessing there was a challenging problem that was missing a value imputation that was
tackled using Expected-Miximation base libraries using R programming Also there was done some postprocessing using SPSS for data merging and some data management-related problems Finally trained in Machine learning
algorithms. Following is the list of models that gives out performances after some statistical resampling
- Support Vector Machine
- Random Forest
- Arificial Neural network
- Adaptive Boosting
- Naive Bayes Classifier
Here is my github link