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Project Meeting 2022.03.31

mnbina edited this page Apr 1, 2022 · 2 revisions


  1. Admin Items

Action Items

  • Bill or Joe to contact Miami MPO next week about AMPO conference and ActivitySim participation.
  • Jeff to send out draft AMPO presentation proposal for review.
  • Michelle to link notes to Github issues and pull requests when discussed, and vice versa.

AMPO Conference

  • Jeff drafted a presentation proposal. This was reviewed by the group and edits were suggested. Jeff to send out draft for further review.

Breakout Rooms for Technical Discussions

  • Pros: able to provide direction and discussion on more content without more meetings; supports expediated schedules as needed
  • Cons: concern about repeating previous discussions when others were in different breakout rooms and missed previous topics, which may slow down progress during meetings
  • Some participants were open to trying breakout rooms, others had reservations. No resolution obtained during the meeting and the conversation will continue offline via email between Michelle, Jeff, Joel, and Joe.


  • Discussed the following issue related to Bitwidth expectations:
    • The primary decision to be made was whether the consortium is ok with a global switch to float32.
    • No resolution was obtained by the end of the meeting. Participants were encouraged to continue discussion by commenting on the specific issue. These notes will be linked to the issue as well.
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