- 👍 I'm 24 years old
- 👨🎓 Studying Eletronic and Computer Engineering at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
- 👨🎓 Currently in an Exchange Program at Polytech Grenoble, in France.
- 😎 Interests in machine-learning, programming and system development.
- 🙂 Always open to learn new things.
- 🔭 Research: Worked on a scientific initiation project at UFRJ, from March 2021 to August 2022, focused on Reproducibility and Data Quality in Machine Learning.
- 💼 Internships: Worked as a Data Scientist Intern at Twist Systems and as an Innovation IA Intern at TV Globo.
- 👯 I’m open to collaborate on machine learning researches and projects.
- Pronouns: he, his
Machine Learning, Deep Neural Networks, Research, High Technology.
Deep Learning, New Neural Networks, Time Series, Computer Vision, Reinforcement Learning