Detect line from video to center line
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- IE: Visial Studio 2012
- Lib: OpenCV 3.0
- Language: C/C++
- Video to frame image
- CropImage take 1/4 frame
- Smooth: Median filter, Gauss
- Find line with canny and HoughLine
- process lines
- reject near horizontal lines
- filter with corner median
- filer distance
- Filline to line left and line right
- calculate center line
- using kalman filter with center line
- complete
- Install IE: VS or code block
- Import OpenCV 3.0 to IE
- Clone project
- Import Project to IE
- Config file input in main class
- Or copy class main, util to your project do not forget file input
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