- All packages required are found in the requirements text file.
- In your conda environment or file directory, use:
- pip install -r "path"
- replace path by the path to the requirements text file.
- make sure to add .txt to the end of the path
- The used dataset is confidential and can not be shared.
- You can add your own dataset to the data file by dividing it into the test and train folders.
- The model applies minor preprocessing operations to the dataset before processing it
- with all face expression images in the Dataset
- command --> python TrainModel.py
It will take several hours depends on your processor. (On AMD processor ryzen 7500H with 16 GB RAM it took me around 4 hours) after Training , you will find the trained model structure and weights are stored in your project directory. emotion_model.json emotion_model.h5
copy these two files create model folder in your project directory and paste it.
python TestModel.py
python EvaluateModel.py