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Component: Armory

PhILoXs edited this page Sep 22, 2023 · 16 revisions

General information

Author: PhILoX
Description: Adds a GUI for database saved loadouts and backpacks and your are able to equip players directly from the database. Does nothing if server hasn't loaded extdb3 (see: Database).



  • Create a MySQL/Maria database on the server and run this SQL script: Armory Database
  • Install extDB3 (Installation) on your server and save the following extDB3 custom ini file into the sql_custom folder of extdb3: armory.ini
    The following setting in extdb3-conf.ini is advised: Allow Reset = true
    (This is only needed if you restart or switch missions in one server session.)
  • Start the game and check if the RPT has following lines signaling that the database connection was succesful:
    [MTS] (database) INFO: Connected to database 'armory'  
    [MTS] (database) INFO: Protocol 'armory.ini' loaded
  • Create your first equipment category (check the function header for more information of the parameters)
["enhanced", ["00000000000000000"]] call mts_armory_fnc_createEquipment;
  • Use the example action on an object and change it to your needs


this addAction ["Equipment: enhanced", {["enhanced", _this select 0] call mts_armory_fnc_openArmory}, nil, 1.5, true, true, "", "true", 5];


private _actionOpenArmory = [
    "Equipment: enhanced",
        params ["_object", "", "_params"];
        _params params ["_equipmentName"];
        [_equipmentName, _object] call mts_armory_fnc_openArmory;
] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction;
[this, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _actionOpenArmory] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject;


All relevant information is in the function header


The extDB3 connection will only be established on dedicated servers. If you want to test it on your machine, you need to check the CBA setting "DEBUG: Allow Player database connection"


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