TAPI 2.4.1 Documentation
This is the release version 2.4.1 the Transport API (TAPI) Documents.
This SDK is released under the Apache 2.0 license.
This release includes all the documentation associated to version 2.4.1 of the TAPI SDK:
TAPI Reference Implementation Agreement (RIA TR-547)
- This ONF Technical Recommendation (TR) provides a set of guidelines and recommendations for a standard use of the TAPI models in combination with the RESTCONF protocol for the implementation of the interface between network systems in charge of the control/management of networks based on WDM/OTN technologies.
TAPI Reference Implementation Agreement for Streaming (RIA TR-548)
- This document is a supplement to the TR-547, to explain TAPI streaming and provide a set of guidelines and recommendations for use of TAPI streaming.
TAPI Reference Implementation Agreement - Ancillary Documents
TAPI Alarm TCA List
TAPI Notification and Streaming Sequences
TAPI Delta Document