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License: CC BY-SA 4.0

<teiHeader>: this very comprehensive element has been designed for the metadata, i.e. for the data which are not the legend's edition (covered here) and its related features, such as the apparatus criticus, the commentary, etc. (covered here). <teiHeader> collects data concerning the publication, the unique identifiers for seals and matrices, the classification of the seal, its issuer (or owner), the seal as an object (with its major physical characteristics and its layout, including the iconography), and its history (with dating, the find circumstances and the subsequent custodial history). The most part of <teiHeader> is devoted to the whole seal, but two <msPart> elements are devoted to the specific description of the two faces of a seal, the obverse and the reverse.

1.1. Title and Publication Information

1.1. Title and Publication Information



The title of the edition of the seals (repeatable for different language).


The name(s) of the editor(s) of the seal, not of the creator(s) of the record (repeatable for different languages). This element has a fixed @role="seal-editor" attribute. The attribute @xml:id should be used the first time a person is mentioned, in order to identify them; in the following mentions of the same person, a @resp attribute referring to the xml:id should be used.

                <editor role="seal-editor" xml:id="JCC" when="2024">Jean-Claude Cheynet</editor>


The name of an individual, institution, or organization responsible for the funding of a project or text.

                    <orgName corresp="">Agence Nationale de la Recherche
                        (ANR)</orgName>, France / <orgName corresp="">Deutsche
                        Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)</orgName>, Deutschland.


Principal investigator or project coordinator.

                <principal>Alessio Sopracasa</principal>


To be encoded according to this controlled vocabulary.

                    <seg xml:lang="fr">Amélioration digitale</seg>
                    <seg xml:lang="en">Digital enhancement</seg>


The name(s) of the creator(s) of the record, not of the editor(s) of the seal, but they could also be the same person(s) (repeatable for different languages). This element has a fixed @role="digital-editor" attribute. The attribute @xml:id should be used the first time a person is mentioned, in order to identify them; in the following mentions of the same person, a @resp attribute referring to the xml:id should be used.

                <editor role="digital-editor" xml:id="PE" when="2024">Pia Evening</editor>


Supplies the name of a person or other agency responsible for making a work available, other than a publisher or distributor (for ex., a university or a project) (repeatable for different languages).

                <authority>ANR/DFG DigiByzSeal - Unlocking the Hidden Value of Seals: New
                    Methodologies for Historical Research in Byzantine Studies


Different kind of identifiers for the publication. This element has 3 different values for the @type attribute: see here.

                <idno type="filename">Feind_Kr11</idno>
                <idno type="SigiDocID">s-dvr345</idno>
                <idno type="sequence">0004<</idno>


Date of online publication, written as YYYY-MM-DD. Not displayed on the webpage, XML only.

                <date when="2024-03-03"/>


Information about the availability of a text, for example any restrictions on its use or distribution, its copyright status, any licence applying to it, etc.

                    <licence target=""
                        >Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International - CC BY-NC-SA
1.2. Issuer

1.2. Issuer

<listPerson> / <listOrg>

To encode the data concerning the issuer (or owner) of a seal. A <listPerson type="issuer"> should be chosen if the issuer is a physical person; otherwise, a <listOrg type="issuer"> should be preferred if the issuer is an institution (monastery, administrative bureau, etc.).

In the case of a physical person, the <person> element nested inside <listPerson> is complemented by two attributes designed to provide information on the gender and social milieu of the issuer, according to the @gender and @role attributes.

The name of the issuer is encoded with <persName> in different languages, starting with the language of the seal's legend. Finally, links and IDs to the main prosopographies for Byzantine history (available online or not) can be added if the person is already recorded, according to predefined @type's values.

In case of uncertain identification of the issuer, a @cert="low" should be added to <forename> and/or <surname> and a "?" will be printed.

In case of an anonymous seal, "Anonymous" should be used.

If it is not possible to establish the issuer's name because of the state of preservation of the seal, "N." or "Na." should be used with <forename> and/or <surname> (also for the Greek language).

Example (from Tatış 2.33)
                <listPerson type="issuer">
                    <person gender="M" role="civil">
                        <persName xml:lang="grc">
                        <persName xml:lang="fr">
                        <persName xml:lang="en">
                        <idno type="PBE" ana="">Thomas 9</idno>
                        <idno type="PmbZ" ana="">Thomas 28312</idno>

In the case of an institutional issuer, the <org> element nested inside <listOrg> is complemented by two attributes designed to provide information on the milieu of the institution, according to the fixed attribute @role and to the @type attribute.

The name of the issuer is encoded with <orgName> in different languages, starting with the language of the seal's legend. Finally, links and IDs to the main repertoires for Byzantine history (available online or not) can be added if the institution is already recorded: the <idno> element should be considered as an equivalent to <idno> for persons, with the difference that @type has not predefined values in the schema, but it is still required.

                <listOrg type="issuer">
                    <org role="corporate" type="monastic">
                        <orgName xml:lang="grc">Μονῆς τοῦ Στύλου</orgName>
                        <orgName xml:lang="fr">Monastère de Stylos</orgName>
                        <idno type="URI"></idno>
1.3. Location and History

1.3. Location and History


To encode the information about the modern and present location of a seal.


The country; a <seg> element contains the name in one or more modern languages.


The city; a <seg> element contains the name in one or more modern languages.


Museum, archive, library, etc.; names should be written as they are and not translated, hence, @xml:lang should not be written.


The part of the previous institution containing the seal; names should be written as they are and not translated, hence, @xml:lang should not be written.


The name given to the collection of the seals (e.g. a private collection) or a specific collection in the holding institution the seals belong to (e.g. the "Western Manuscripts" for the Byzantine seals at the British Library). This element is complemented by a @type attribute with suggested values. The name of the collection is recorded in <rs>, one <rs> per language; <collection> should not be multiplied if the collection is the same. <rs> is complemented by a fixed @type="collection-name" attribute . In case of a private collection, the name of the owner could be tagged with a <persName> element and a @role="collector" attribute.


Iinventory, shelf number; <idno> has a fixed @type="inv-nr-current" attribute in order to differentiate it from the one in <altIdentifier>.

Example 1 - A private collection (from Tatış 2.34)
                            <seg xml:lang="fr">Turquie</seg>
                            <seg xml:lang="en">Turkey</seg>
                            <seg xml:lang="fr">Izmir</seg>
                            <seg xml:lang="en">Izmir</seg>
                        <collection type="private" ref="URI">
                            <rs type="collection-name" xml:lang="en"><persName role="collector" ref="">Yavuz Tatış</persName> collection</rs>
                            <rs type="collection-name" xml:lang="fr"> Collection <persName role="collector" ref="">Yavuz Tatış</persName>.</rs>
                        <idno type="inv-nr-current">2695</idno>


An optional element containing an alternative or former structured identifier used for a seal, such as a former catalogue number. It should be used only for changes of identifiers within the current holding institution or collection: all the information about previous locations should be encoded in the <provenance type="transferred"> element. The elements <repository>, <collection> and <idno> nested inside <altIdentifier> work as the previous (the only difference is that <idno>'s fixed attribute is @type="inv-nr-former". Several <altIdentifier> are allowed for different former identifiers.

Example 2 - A public collection (from Zacos collection, Geneva, CdN 2004-0313)
                     <seg xml:lang="en">Switzerland</seg>
                     <seg xml:lang="fr">Suisse</seg>
                     <seg xml:lang="en">City of Geneva</seg>
                     <seg xml:lang="fr">Ville de Genève</seg>
                  <institution>MAH-Musée d'art et d'histoire</institution>
                  <repository>Cabinet de numismatique</repository>
                  <collection type="public">
                     <rs type="collection-name" xml:lang="en">Byzantine seals collection</rs>
                     <rs type="collection-name" xml:lang="fr">Collection de sceaux byzantins</rs>
                  <idno type="inv-nr-current">CdN 2004-0313</idno>
Example 3 - A former identifier


Where the seal comes originallly from, different from the findspot. Inside a <seg> element allowing different languages, the toponym is encoded in a <placeName> element. <origPlace> should be used only if a place is explicitly mentioned by the legend (without making assumptions if it was not so). The placename should be linked to a relevant online historical gazeteer with a @ref.

Example (from Tatış 3.28, the seal of Basil Apokapes, protoproedros and doux of Edessa)
                                <seg xml:lang="fr">
                                    <placeName ref="">Edesse</placeName>
                                <seg xml:lang="en">
                                    <placeName ref="">Edessa</placeName>


The dating of the seal, according to different dating methods to choose among (in case of seals from assembled matrices, here should be encoded the 'general' dating, with a date range.).

Two @type values highlight the way in which dating has been established, according to a prefixed list of values: @type="analysis" indicates that the date is the result of the editor's analysis, while @type="internal" is for internal dates, inscribed on the seal.

The date itself is encoded with a @when attribute if a precise year is possible, or with @notBefore and @notAfter for a date range or for centuries, or parts of them. In @notBefore and @notAfter centuries must be written in years; for example: for the 10th C., "0901" and "1000" (the year must always be composed of 4 numbers, hence for years before 1000, a zero must be added at the beginning). For parts of a century, the following table should be used:

Period of the century Years
first half 01-50
second half 51-00
beginning 01-20
end 81-00
middle 41-60
first/second/last thirdl 01-33/34-66/67-00
first/second/third/last quarter 01-25/26-50/51-75/76-00

An @evidence attribute gives a list of dating criteria used by the editor, according to a prefixed list of values.

<seg> elements, with appropriate @xml:lang attributes, contain the dating as plain text.

Example 1 - A date range (from Tatış 3.28)
                            <origDate type="analysis" notBefore="1078" notAfter="1081" evidence="epigraphy" cert="high" resp="#JCC">
                                <seg xml:lang="fr">1078-1081</seg>
                                <seg xml:lang="en">1078-1081</seg>
Example 2 - Part of a century (from Tatış 3.24)
                            <origDate type="analysis" notBefore="1001" notAfter="1033" evidence="epigraphy" cert="high" resp="#JCC">
                                <seg xml:lang="fr">XIe siècle (premier tiers)</seg>
                                <seg xml:lang="en">11th C., first third</seg>

Concerning specifically <origDate type="internal>, the use of the attribute @datingMethod implies to specify in the <teiHeader> the type of dating system; for example: <calendar xml:id="byzantineWorldEra"><p>"Since the creation of the world"</p></calendar>, or, alternatively, to add a link to a Wiki or a page explaining the dating method. In @when should be indicated the year according to the modern calendar and in @when-custom should be indicated the year according to the ancient calendar (indiction or Byzantine era for example). It is also possible to use @notBefore-custom and notAfter-custom attributes.

Example 3 - Internal date
                            <origDate type="internal" notBefore="0692" notAfter="0693"
                                <seg xml:lang="en">Indiction 6, corresponding to the year 692-693 CE</seg>


For erroneous and alternative dating, and corrections.



The <provenance> element has multiple @type attributes, each having its own @subtypes, according to a prefixed list of values.

<provenance type="found">

The findspot of the seal; a @subtype attribute gives further details. The attributes @when for a precise year or @notAfter/@notBefore for a date range contain chronological information.

Inside <provenance type="found">, the findspot's name is encoded with two <placeName> elements, one for the ancient name of the findspot (with an attribute @type="ancientFindspot") and the other for its current name (with an attribute @type="modernFindspot"). Each of these two elements can be repeated for different languages, with the relevant @xml:lang attributes: each project will decide in which language to encode this information, but the simplest way should be using the publication language(s).

@ref attributes are available to link the name to a gazeteer of ancient toponyms, such as Pleiades or to a gazeteer of modern toponyms, such as Geonames. Finally, a <rs type="circumstances" xml:lang=""/> contains general information about the circumstances of the finding and is repeatable for different languages.

Example (from Seyrig 1)
                  <provenance type="found" subtype="discovered">
                     <placeName type="ancientFindspot" ref="" xml:lang="fr">Tyr</placeName>
                     <placeName type="ancientFindspot" ref="" xml:lang="en">Tyre</placeName>
                     <placeName type="modernFindspot" ref="" xml:lang="fr">Tyr</placeName>
                     <placeName type="modernFindspot" ref="" xml:lang="en">Tyre</placeName>
                     <placeName type="modernFindspot" ref="" xml:lang="ara">صور (Ṣūr)</placeName>

<provenance type="observed">

Modern observations subsequent to the find date; a @subtype attribute gives further details. A <p> element repeatable for different languages contains the relevant information.


<provenance type="not-observed">

About a specific, unsuccessful attempt to locate an object in a presumed or previously recorded location; a @subtype attribute gives further details. A <p> element repeatable for different languages contains the relevant information.


<provenance type="transferred">

About documentable modern relocations of the item (auctions, donations, etc.) before its acquisition by its current holding institution (for which, see <acquisition> below); to be used for previous locations of the seal (museums, private collections, etc.) instead of <altIdentifier/>. A @subtype attribute gives further details. A <p> element repeatable for different languages contains the relevant information.



Any information specific to the means by which the seal entered its present holding institution or private collection. It is recommended to add specific details, if known: for example, in case of an auction, the name of the action house, the date, the number of the auction and of the lot should be mentioned.

Example (from Zacos collection, Geneva, CdN 2004-0313)
1.4. Category

1.4. Category


<summary n="whole">

Classification of the seal according to broader categories in a <seg> element, repeatable for different languages; 2 or more categories allowed, but all in one <seg> per language.

Example (from Seyrig 1)
                  <summary n="whole">
                     <seg xml:lang="en">Imperial</seg>
                     <seg xml:lang="fr">Impériale</seg>
1.5. Physical description

1.5. Physical description


The full physical description of the seal: this element is devoted to the materiality of the studied object, including its physical appearance.


The main physical features of a seal are contained in a <support> element:


The type of object being referred to: the information is encoded in a <seg> element, contained in <term> and repeatable for different languages, according to a controlled vocabulary.

In addition, in <interp type="workType"> (repeatable for different languages) should be encoded information about the nature of the object, being an original impression, a copy, a photo or simply a verbal description, according to a controlled vocabulary.


The material which the seal is made of: the information is encoded in a <seg> element, repeatable for different languages, according to a controlled vocabulary.

<dimensions type="support">

The @type attribute indicated that the data concern the whole object, i.e. the blank on which an impression has been left by the matrix (differently from the @type="written"). A @unit attribute indicated the unit of measure used: several <dimensions> are allowed for different measuring systems. In case of a seal, i.e. a round object, this mesaure concerns the diameter and is stored in <dim type="diameter">; otherwise, in case of square or rectangular objetcs (such as tokens, weights, etc.), <height>, <width> and <depth> are available.


The use of this element changes according to its different @type and @unit attributes and their prefixed list of values.

The material description of the support is completed by a last element:


The state of presevation of the seal, including the quality of the impression. The plain description of the seal's condition is contained in a <p>, repeatable for different languages. In addition, the main characteristics should be encoded in a @rend attribute, according to a prefixed list of values.

Example (from Feind Kr17)
                                            <seg xml:lang="en">Seal</seg>
                                            <seg xml:lang="de">Siegel</seg>
                                        <interp type="workType" xml:lang="en">Original
                                        <interp type="workType" xml:lang="de">Origineller
                                        <seg xml:lang="en">Lead</seg>
                                        <seg xml:lang="de">Blei</seg>
                                    <dimensions type="support" unit="mm">
                                        <dim type="diameter">18</dim>
                                    <measure type="weight" unit="g">6.8</measure>
                                    <measure type="axis" unit="clock"/>
                                    <measure type="overstrikeOrient" unit="clock"/>
                                    <measure type="channelOrient" unit="clock">6-12</measure>
                                    <measure type="countermark" unit="clock"/>
                                <condition rend="corroded blank-too-small obliterated">
                                    <p xml:lang="en">Corroded, partially flattened on the reverse, blank slightly too small for the die.</p>
                                    <p xml:lang="de">Korrodiert, teilweise abgenutzt auf dem Revers, Rohling etwas zu klein für die Matrix.</p>
<layout n="whole">

Description of the seal's layout: the fixed attribute @n="whole" indicates that tha information concerns the whole object, to be kept distinct from the description of the two faces of the seal (covered here).

<rs type="execution">

How the seal has been made: the information is encoded in a <seg> element, repeatable for different languages, according to a controlled vocabulary.

<rs type="shape">

The shape of the object: the information is encoded in a <seg> element, repeatable for different languages, according to a controlled vocabulary.

<rs type="matrix">

The unique identifier for the boulloterion that produced the impression on the blank: a @subtype attribute indicates if the tool still survives or not, according to a prefixed list of values. The ID is encoded in a <idno type="SigiDoc"> element: it is automatically created this task is done automaticall using an IDs generator and the alphanumerical string thus created is preceded by a prefix "m" for "matrix". In addition, a second <idno> could be useful to mention an ID for the same matrix (in case of parallel seals) already included in the Prosopography of the Byzantine World (PBW) (see also here).

Example (from Sopracasa-Prigent 3)
                                <layout n="whole">
                                    <rs type="execution">
                                        <seg xml:lang="en">Struck</seg>
                                        <seg xml:lang="fr">Frappé</seg>
                                    <rs type="shape">
                                        <seg xml:lang="en">Round</seg>
                                        <seg xml:lang="fr">Ronde</seg>
                                    <rs type="matrix" subtype="notSurviving">
                                        <idno type="SigiDoc">m-aJ4r88</idno>
                                        <idno type="PBW" corresp="">1228</idno>
1.6. Obverse and Reverse

1.6. Obverse and Reverse

<msPart n="r"> / <msPart n="v">

The two <msPart> elements designed to encoded information specifically devoted to the two faces of a seal are structured in exactly the same way. In addition, several element already seen for the whole seal are present here, nevertheless they concern different aspects of the seal; other elements, however, are specific to the two faces.


<summary n="r"> / <summary n="v">

These elements are basically fixed elements simply highlighting the fact that the data encoded concern the obveerse or the reverse of a seal.

<textLang n="r"> / <textLang n="v">

These elements encode the legend's language, with a @mainLang attribute and, in plain text, with a <seg> element, repeatable for different languages; an attribute @otherLangs could be added if another language was present on the same face. This is an optional element: EFES users don't need to encode information about languages and alphabets here, as the data will be displayed from the @xml:lang attributes in <div type="textpart"> (on which see 2.5.6. Legend's language(s) and script(s)). For more details concerning the languages, see .

Example 1 - Greek language on the obverse (from Feind Kr1)
                            <summary n="r">
                            <textLang n="r" mainLang="grc">
                                <seg xml:lang="en">Greek</seg>
                                <seg xml:lang="de">Griechisch</seg>
Example 2 - Greek language on the obverse and Latin language on the reverse (from Seyrig 91)
                   <msPart n="r">
                        <!-- -->
                            <summary n="r">
                            <textLang n="r" mainLang="grc">
                                <seg xml:lang="en">Greek</seg>
                                <seg xml:lang="fr">Grec</seg>
                        <!-- -->
                    <msPart n="v">
                        <!-- -->
                            <summary n="r">
                            <textLang n="r" mainLang="la">
                                <seg xml:lang="en">Latin</seg>
                                <seg xml:lang="fr">Latin</seg>
                        <!-- -->

<dimensions type="written">

This element encode the dimensions of the inscribed field (i.e. of the impression), and not of the support. Several <dimensions> are allowed for different measuring systems.

<rs type="matrix">

It should be used exclusively in case of assembled boulloteria, in order to give an individual unique identifier to the two parts of the matrix. It is intended that an identifier should also be attributed to the whole boulloterion. If this information is not applicable, it is possible to simply delete or comment out this element.


Repeatable for different languages, it contains a detailed description, in plain text, of the layout, including the monograms. In its simplest version, this description should be based on a controlled vocabulary to maintain as much consistency as possible. It should not be used for iconography; with iconography, here there should be a simple mention 'Iconography' and <decoDesc> should be preferred for a detailed description of the images.

Example (from Tatış 5.64)
                                    <layout n="r">
                                        <dimensions type="written" unit="mm">
                                            <dim type="diameter">18</dim>
                                        <p xml:lang="fr">Iconographie avec légende en colonnes.</p>
                                        <p xml:lang="en">Iconography with legend in columns.</p>
                                <!-- -->
                                    <layout n="v">
                                        <dimensions type="written" unit="mm">
                                            <dim type="diameter">18</dim>
                                        <p xml:lang="fr">Légende linéaire sur 4 lignes.</p>
                                        <p xml:lang="en">Linear legend of 4 lines.</p> 


Epigraphic and palaeographic description of the inscription in a <seg> element repeatable for different languages.

Example (from Sopracasa-Prigent 23)
                            <handNote n="r">
                                <seg xml:lang="fr">La ligature ου affecte une forme de transition vers le «fer à cheval» qui se diffuse à
                                    partir des années 1030. Les hastes sont déjà verticales, mais le diamètre de la panse est
                                    encore supérieur à l’écartement des hastes.</seg>

The <decoDesc> element is optional with regard to seals without iconography.


Two <figDesc> elements are concerned by the iconography and the decoration on the seal, according to their @n attributes:

@n Additional attribute Explanation
"r" or "v" @ana Plain description (without commentary) of the iconography, if applicable. To be used for sigla and labels, but not for monograms, whose description should be encoded in a <p> in <layoutDesc>; iconographic elements directly linked to the subject depicted (such as fleurons attached to patriarchal crosses) should be mentioned here. This element is repeatable for different languages. The @ana attribute contains the iconographic tags.
"decoR" or "decoV" - For decoration and borders, and also for crosses at the beginning of a legend (on the same line) or next to images and monograms. This element is repeatable for different languages.
Example (from Tatış 2.75)
                                        <figDesc n="r" xml:lang="fr" ana="male saint bishop St-Nicholas bust gospel">Buste de saint Nicolas de face, en son
                                            vêtement épiscopal, tenant le Livre et bénissant.</figDesc>
                                        <figDesc n="r" xml:lang="en" ana="male saint bishop St-Nicholas bust gospel">Bust of Saint Nicholas in his episcopal garment, holding the Book and blessing.</figDesc>
                                        <figDesc n="decoR" xml:lang="fr">Cercle de perles./figDesc>
                                        <figDesc n="decoR" xml:lang="en">Circle of pearls.</figDesc> 

<origDate>, <date>

Limited to a specific date for obverse or reverse in seals issued by assembled boulloteria. For nested elements, see <origDate/> and <date> for the whole seal. If this information is not applicable, it is possible to simply delete the element <history>.

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