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3. Commentary and Documentary Sections

Alessio75 edited this page Aug 11, 2024 · 3 revisions

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In this page is displayed a set of rules designed for SigiDoc in order to prepare the sections which are necessary for a comprehensive and thorough sigillographic scholarly edition.

3.1. Apparatus criticus

3.1. Apparatus criticus


    <div type="apparatus"/>


The following tags should be used – in full or in part – in the external apparatus criticus.

listApp: contains a list of apparatus entries:

app with an attribute @loc: contains one entry in a critical apparatus (i.e. one app< per entry); @loc indicates the line the app's content refers to (its value should be 1 or 2 or 3 ...; or 1-2, 2-5, etc.);

lem: when the app's content concerns a particular word or phrase, the latter should be written inside lem; if a textual variation is proposed, here should be written the reading appearing in the edition:

• and supposed to be changed, if the correction/variant/... is proposed in the apparatus with rdg;

• or, if the reading has been already changed in the edition, rdg will contain the deprecated reading;

rdg: contains a single reading (in case of a textual variation, here should be written the variant reading, proposed or deprecated); alternatively, it could contain a note for a more detailed explanation, in which a bibl could be added for a short bibliographical reference;

note: could be an alternative to rdg after lem or also to both lem and rdg (that is, to be nested just after app).

The apparatus may contain bibl (for bibliographic references).


► Correction in the apparatus

                    <div type="edition">
                            <lb n="1"/>Ἄστυ
                    <div type="apparatus">
                            <app loc="1"><lem>Ἄστυ</lem><rdg>Σθέν(ος)</rdg></app>

Visualisation in the apparatus:

1: Ἄστυ : Σθέν(ος) [where Ἄστυ is the edition's version and Σθέν(ος) the proposed variant reading]

► Correction with short bibliographical reference bearing a different reading:

                        <app loc="4-5">
                            <lem>τ]οὺς λ[ό]γους</lem>
                                <note>in <bibl>[tags for the bibliography]2.22</bibl> wrong reading τὰς κρίσεις, to be corrected</note>

Visualisation in the apparatus:

4-5: τ]οὺς λ[ό]γους : in DOseals 3.2.22 wrong reading τὰς κρίσεις, to be corrected

This system allows to point to several words within the same line.

The @cert="low" as an rdg attribute is not displayed after transformation: a question mark (?) should be added manually.

► Correction in the edition, commented in the apparatus

                    <choice xml:id="choice3"> (in the edition)
                    <app loc="12" from="#choice3"> (in the apparatus)
                        <note>So Mommsen, without comment.</note>

► To be more specific: pointing to a specific word or letter in the line. This solution does not require any specific tag in the edition:

                    <div type="edition">
                            <lb n="1"/>Κύριε βοήθει τῷ σῷ δούλῳ
                            <lb n="2"/><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="line"/>
                            <lb n="3"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>λ
                            <div type="apparatus">
                                    <app loc="3">
                                        <rdg>Μανουήλ, Μιχαήλ</rdg>

Visualisation: 3: λ : Μανουήλ, Μιχαήλ

                    <div type="edition">
                            <lb n="1"/>Κύριε βοήθει τῷ σῷ δούλῳ
                            <lb n="2"/><gap reason="lost" quantity="1" unit="line"/>
                            <lb n="3"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/>λ    
                            <div type="apparatus">
                                    <app loc="3">
                                        <note>The first legible letter of the reverse is definitely λ (not an α, as read by Zacos-Veglery) and it is not followed by an abbreviation mark.</note>

Visualisation: 3: λ The first legible letter of the reverse is definitely λ (not an α, as read by Zacos-Veglery) and it is not followed by an abbreviation mark.

Nesting note inside rdg will add a colon (:) between lambda and the commentary at the beginning of the line (3: λ :).

If no apparatus was needed, it should be explicitly mentioned in order to get a proper viualisation (hi @rend="italic" could be added):

                        <note xml:lang="en">None.</note>
                        <note xml:lang="fr">Aucun.</note>

An alternative reading can be also displayed in the body of the text (see Alternative readings).

3.2. Bibliography

3.2. Bibliography


    <div type="bibliography" subtype="edition"/>
    <div type="bibliography" subtype="parallels"/>
    <div type="bibliography" subtype="discussion"/>


The following way to insert bibliographic references assumes the existence of a TEI xml file named "bibliography.xml" living in EFES (ROOT>content>xml>authority).

                            <ptr target="DOseals1"/>
,<citedRange unit="page">p. 46</citedRange>



Visualisation after transformation: DO Seals, 1, p. 46.

@target's value is the ID of the publication as it appears in the file "bibliography.xml".

About the 3 @subtypes:

"edition": edition(s) of the current item;

"parallels": edition(s) of the parallels of the current item; the references should be preceded by the mention of the place of preservation and by the inventory numbers;

"discussion": further bibliographic references - without publication - about the current item or its parallels; the references should be followed by the mention of the place of preservation and by the inventory numbers between brackets.

A short bibliographic reference will be printed in the seal’s edition, while a bibliographic concordance will be automaticaly populated with the complete reference.

Note that the element citedRange should be included also when empty, in order to populate the bibliographic concordance.

Bibliographic references could be added in this same way also in other divs.

The div should be repeated for each kind of bibliographic reference (edition, parallels, further references).

3.3. Commentary

3.3. Commentary


    <div type="commentary" subtype="text"/>


General comment on the text as a whole, with no specific line reference or textual feature described:

                    <div type="commentary">

p may contain bibl (for bibliographic references).

Note that each p will generate a paragraph separated by a white line from the others.

The attribute @subtype differentiates this div @type="commentary" from the one designed for footnotes (```div @type="commentary" @subtype="footnotes").

3.4. Footnotes

3.4. Footnotes


    <div type="commentary" subtype="footnotes"/>


For bibliographic references or more detailed notes.

                    <div type="commentary" subtype="footnotes">

p may contain bibl (for bibliographic references).

Note that the numbering must be manually entered both in the text and at the beginning of each note.

One p per note.

The attribute @subtype differentiates this >div @type="commentary" from the one designed for the text of the commentary (div @type="commentary" @subtype="text").

If footnotes are not necessary, there are 2 alternatives:

1) nothing should be written in this div: a 'None' will appear below the title 'Footnotes';

2) to make the whole section disappear: in the SigiDoc/EFES stylesheet "htm-tpl-struct-sigidoc.xsl" the div @id="footnotes" and the div @class="fnseparator" should be commented out.

3.5. Translations

3.5. Translations


    <div type="translation"/>


A basic way to tag a translation would be:

                    <div type="translation">

The translation div>s could bear @subtype attributes with values such as "literal", "poetic", "free" and so forth.

p may contain >bibl (for bibliographical references).

gap and supplied could be used.

For transations in multiple languages. An edition might encode translations in more than one modern language, which would then be differentiated by means of @xml:lang attributes:

                    <div type="translation">
                        <p>+Constantinos Constantinou καὶ Anastasia ec Θeu basileis Romaion.</p>
                        <p xml:lang="en">Constantine son of Constantine, and Anastasia, in God emperors of the Romans.</p>
                        <p xml:lang="fr">Constantin fils de Constantin, et Anastasie, en Dieu empereurs des Romains.</p>

Inside a same div, multiple ps should bear the translations, each one with the appropriate @xml:lang; the first p is dedicated to the simple transcription of the legend, on a single line, without Leiden conventions, and without @xml:lang, in order to get the Greek legend with all the languages.

The following signs should be used:

/ (slash) in order to separate obverse and reverse (transcription only)

. (dot) in order to separate label/sigla from the legend (transcription and translation)

| (vertical bar) to mark the end of a verse line in a metrical legend; if it is also the end of the face, | / (vertical bar+slash) (transcription only).