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Robert Wetzold edited this page Apr 1, 2021 · 3 revisions


There are two kinds of leader-boards:

  • the global challenges leader-board
  • individual boards per world


This mode is all about beating other players under the exact same circumstances: same world, same objectives, same enemies. It is an asynchronous multiplayer mode.


  • 1 point for each beaten challenge
  • 3 points for each beaten challenge placing first (which can of course change again if another player beats you again)


While not every world will have a leader-board (e.g. relaxing experiences), most do. There are multiple types of leader-boards shown, depending on the objectives of a specific world, which allows to excel in vastly different play-styles and provides additional challenges.


  • Best Overall (always): Speed-Runner * Sharp-Shooter
  • Speed-Runner (if time is of essence): distance walked * 100 / time taken * 10 * objectives achieved / total objectives
  • Sharp-Shooter (if shooting is important): shots hit *100 / shots fired * 10 * objectives achieved / total objectives

In its most basic form, overall and speed-runner will be identical as without specific objectives travel time is the only factor.

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