Update Quorum Requirements
Amendment 2
Drafted: Frederick Kim ( @kwfk )
Proposed: 2020.04.26
Proposed by: Executive Team ( @calblueprint/eteam )
Ratified: 2020.04.27
Voting Record
Votes: 47 Total Membership, 34 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstain
A quorum should be defined as 2/3 of membership, whether it's general membership or e-team. If the resulting number is not an perfect integer, quorum should rounded to the nearest integer.
With regard to elections, it is unreasonable for there to be a full quorum of eligible voters to hold an election. In the past, we have held quorum at 2/3 of general membership even if it was inconsistent with the constitution. Therefore, this amendment seeks to update the constitution to be in line with what is actually being practiced.
With regards to e-team quorum, the recent bylaw addition for co-presidents introduces the potential for fluctuating e-team membership numbers. In order to prevent the need to constantly change the constitution, a 2/3 quorum of e-team membership makes more sense.
The changes to Section V and IV.2 is also an update that was not caught in Amendment 2: Add Vice President of Design.