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Releases: dyzqy/EasyController

Pre-Release v1.3.0

30 Jun 18:43
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Pre-Release v1.3.0 Pre-release

What's new in Pre-Release 1.3.0


  • New functions for data class

    • data.random(min, max), which generates a random number between the minimal number and maximum number.
    • data.statueType(team), returns the team's statue "skin" name.
  • New functions for util class

    • util.instaBuild(team), the specified team will instantly build units without having to wait for build cooldown.
    • util.restoreHealth(team/unit), the unit or team's units will have their depleted health fully healed.
    • util.passiveHeal(team/unit, amount), the unit or team's units will have healed the specified amount(it is the amount of health given every second, but each frame 1/30 of said heal will be given).
    • util.reinforcements() which interprets reinforcements once your statue reaches a specific point of health.
    • util.changeStatue(team, name), modifies specified team's statue to name.
    • util.changeMusic(name), replaces currently played music with name.
    • util.garrison(unit), sends a unit to garrison.
    • util.ungarrison(unit), ungarrisons a previously garrisoned unit.
    • util.disableFinishers() or util.disableDuels(), disables finishers for both teams.

Fixed, Updated or Removed


  • Error where put-together.bat file would add text instead of replacing it inside EasyController_Installer folder.
  • Other\version.txt incorrect version.
  • Deleted as it wasn't being used in the programming process.
  • data.isTime() now works even when the game is on 2x(Fast Forward) speed.


  • util.setLevelType(type) to include Reverse Ambush.
  • util.summonUnit() now supports aseplayer custom units method.
  • data.isTime(time, doafter), to include doafter paramater, so that if the game's time is bigger than the inputed time, it will continue to run the code(this is especially useful for).


  • removed util.winCondition().
  • removed util.challenge().
  • removed util.revive().
  • removed data.unitData().


Template is more like a template than a tutorial.

Release v1.2.0

30 Dec 17:45
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What's new


  • New function for util class, util.registerUnit(unit/units, team). Running this function allows you to register units from other empires, allowing you to use that unit in a seperate empire.
    • For example, you can have juggerknights in the Order Empire & charrogs in the Chaos Empire. (Registering elemental units is only possible in the SE engine! Otherwise attempting to add them would crash your game)
    • Added new template controller,, which contains some instructions about using the new register function.
  • Double saving for put-together.bat, it now saves to Other\ & Installer directory.
  • Updated Templates\ to contain comments about instructions and ways to use EasyController.
  • Added isGlobalsEnabled = false to cleanUp() & postCleanUp() in class. It allows/prevents you from being able to use Globals(Attack, Defend, Garrison) buttons.


  • Deleted off repository, as it is just the old before being renamed.


  • EasyController Installer fixed, wrong file inside.

Release v1.1.0

29 Dec 16:33
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I am finally releasing this, a i have been working on for 5 months! If you encounter any bugs, please consider opening a bug report about it or sending me a message on discord, my username is dyzqy. Have fun with your shinanigans :D

How to install into mod

For this to work, you must have a version of JPEXS Lower than v19.0.0(Manual Way only).
Be warned, EC may corrupt your swf or break it.


Install the zip file called and extract it, inside the given folder there should be a .bat file called install, Drag the SWF file on top it, and it will make a copy of the SWF with -EC, and it should be installed on your SWF now.

Manual Install

Download the file linked below, and enter the SWF with your application, after doing so, go to the CampaignController class inside com.brockw.stickwar.campaign.controllers, click edit and delete everything inside it.
After doing so, do not save yet; Open the file you downloaded( and copy everything, after copying everything, return back to your application and paste the text. After doing that, click save. Good Job! Now you should have EasyController installed inside your mod!