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Airbrake Command Line Interface

shime edited this page Nov 14, 2012 · 1 revision

You can use Airbrake from the command line.

$ airbrake raise --api-key <YOUR_API_KEY>

This will raise RuntimeError with the message I've made a huge mistake by default. You can, of course, specify which exception class you want to raise.

$ airbrake raise -e PerlScriptError -m "Something went wrong with my perl script"\
    -k <YOUR_API_KEY>

You can save your api key in the environment if you're annoyed by passing it as an argument, just set the AIRBRAKE_API_KEY. You can also use ENV['AIRBRAKE_API_KEY'] in your airbrake config block: config/initializers/airbrake.rb

Additionally, you can use this command line tool to list all your projects and find out corresponding ids and api-keys. Your AUTH_TOKEN is located by clicking the settings button when logged into Airbrake.

To do this, execute the following command:

$ airbrake list --auth-token <YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN> --account <YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME>

If you need any additional help about this tool and how to use it, please refer to help:

$ airbrake -h
Usage: airbrake [COMMAND] [OPTION]...
  raise                          # Raise an exception specified by ERROR and MESSAGE.
  list                           # List all the projects for given AUTH_TOKEN and ACCOUNT.
  create                         # Create a project with the given NAME.
  deploy                         # Send a new deployment notification to a project that matches the API_KEY.

  -e, [--error=ERROR]            # Error class to raise. Default:  RuntimeError
  -m, [--message=MESSAGE]        # Error message. Default: "I've made a huge mistake"
  -k, [--api-key=API_KEY]        # Api key of your Airbrake application.
  -h, [--host=HOST]              # URL of the Airbrake API server. Default:
  -p, [--port=PORT]              # Port of the Airbrake API server. Default: 80
  -t, [--auth-token=AUTH_TOKEN]  # The auth token used for API requests.
  -a, [--account=ACCOUNT]        # The account used for API requests.
  -n, [--name=NAME]              # The name of the project you're trying to create.
  -E, [--rails-env=NAME]         # The name of the environment you're deploying to. Default: production
  -h, [--help]                   # Show this usage