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Informing the user when errors occur

shime edited this page Oct 27, 2012 · 1 revision

The airbrake gem is capable of telling the user information about the error that just happened via the user_information option. They can give this error number in bug reports, for example. By default, if your 500.html contains the text


then that comment will be replaced with the text "Airbrake Error [errnum]". You can modify the text of the informer by setting config.user_information. Airbrake will replace "{{ error_id }}" with the ID of the error that is returned from Airbrake.

Airbrake.configure do |config|
   config.user_information = "<p>Tell the devs that it was <strong>{{ error_id }}</strong>'s fault.</p>"

You can also turn the middleware that handles this completely off by setting config.user_information to false.

Note that this feature is reading the error id from env['airbrake.error_id']. When the exception is caught automatically in a controller, Airbrake sets that value. If you're, however, calling the Airbrake methods like Airbrake#notify or Airbrake#notify_or_ignore, please make sure you set that value. So the proper way of calling the "manual" methods would be env['airbrake.error_id'] = Airbrake.notify_or_ignore(...).