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ClrMamePro Comparison

stoj edited this page Mar 30, 2023 · 2 revisions


  • Same base features (but renamed)
    1. Cleaner - equivalent of Scanner.. responsible for ensuring your collection is correct and minimal.
    2. Merger - equivalent of Rebuilder.. responsible for importing new content into your collection.
  • Workflow
    1. Run Merger - import new files.
    2. Run Cleaner - clean your imported files so your collection is 'clean' (based on user preferences).
  • Results
    1. Results - viewable via user defined criteria.
    2. Logs - in depth descriptions of exactly what was performed.
    3. Statistics - summary statistics of the changes and/or collection.


  • Extra features
    1. Feeder - check for online content to see if there is any updated content of interest.
    2. Explorer - navigate your collection based on user defined filters.
    3. Modern UI - an interactive UI based on the Google's Material Design using a dark theme.
    4. ClrVpin is open source!
  • Absent features
    1. ClrVpin DOES NOT update any ROMs This is a deliberate decision as their is no need to update/maintain ROM files when so many existing Mame related tools that perform this job (e.g. ClrMamePro, romcmp, etc).
    2. The 'source of truth' are NOT dat files containing file checksums. Such a thing does not exist in the Visual Pinball world. Instead the 'source of truth' is two fold..
      • #1 Your local PinballY (open source) or Visual Pinball X (open source) database file(s) - which are automatically maintained as you add/remove/update tables via ClrVpin or the frontend.
      • #2 VPS feed - an online feed that is meticulously maintained (by an open source community) to track online pinball content updates.