A framework for controlling, recording, training, and running a self driving robotic car. Focused now on an implementation that runs on 1/10th scale rc cars with pwm servo steering and ESC throttle controller driven by an 9865 Servo board with a RaspberryPi 3 or Jetson TX2.
- Use ZeroMQ and C/Python to create a mesh of components that are flexible and fast
- Run all code on the robot ( pi 3 / jetson tx2 )
- Manage things with a mobile device via web page and joystick controller
- Train in the cloud
- check docs/bot_setup.md
Once you are ready, you can install them as services. Check shark.service and sharkweb.service to run on startup.
- Navigate to web page
- Select 'robot'. You should see a live image from camera
- press X on PS3 Sixaxis controls to enable recording
- left analog to steer, right analog forward to throttle
- only recording when throttle is non zero
- press X to disable recording
- Navigate to web page
- Select 'log'
- Select 'view/edit logs'
- observe recorded logs
- if unwanted frames, use slider, 'set trim start', and 'set trim end' to set range
- use 'trim log' button to remove unwanted frames
- copy logs to your PC: scp me@pi.local:~/projects/shark/log/*.jpg ~/projects/shark/log
- train model on your PC: python train.py mymodel
- cp mymodel to pi: scp mymodel me@pi.local:~/projects/shark/model/
- on the pi: python shark.py --model mymodel
- check docs/aws_setup.md
- Navigate to web page
- Select 'ec2' button
- Select 'start ec2'
- Wait for 1 to 2 minutes and select 'check ec2' until the machine is ready.
- Select 'prepare host' to copy code to remote host
- From the home menu select 'log'
- Select 'upload logs'
- From the home menu select 'train'
- Select 'model' and name the new model
- Optionally select 'epochs' and set upper limit of epochs
- Select 'train' to start training. Feedback varies depending on browser. Better luck from a desktop browser. Tested mostly on Firefox.
- When complete, select 'push model' to tell robot predict loop to load that trained result.
- Ready to test self driving
- When you are done with server, select 'release ec2' to shutdown remote machine.
- hit triangle toggle start self driving.
- use dpad up and down to modify throttle scale