support for gcc version 8
support specifc gcc version used by makefile-build
blocking version for fifo_put_data()
cleanup in map code
local buffer for map-2-sim data
SPI master: use faster wait-while-busy version for short timeouts
short step-by-step tutorial for drive_chess behaviour from anonybot
logging improved, bugfixes for some LOG-messages
follow_line behavior extended with initial search
bugfix for build with recent mingw64 versions and some makefile optimizations
workaround for fgets()’s asynchronous behavior on mingw64 platforms
bugfix for behaviour_abl, if SDFAT is disabled. Fixes #47
cleanup and improvements for makefile
subfolder /Documentation renamed to /doc
test scripts updated with an optional parameter for testing with a specific test case file only
disable __gcc_isr instructions for timer ISR on MCU, might support gcc versions >= 8.0, but it’s untested
build tests updated to detect a compiler misconfiguration (at least for include paths)
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