Releases: tsandmann/ct-bot
Releases · tsandmann/ct-bot
Release 29.2
Release 29.1
What's New in Release 29.1
- Bugfix for several builds issues on Windows
- CI moved to GitHub Actions
Release 29
What's New in Release 29
- Catch pillar behaviour updated with new modes for object distance calculation, more robust distance sensor evaluations
- Readme updated
- Bugfixes for some x_AVAILABLE #defines
- Bugfix for i2c driver
- C++ wrapper for i2c driver added, allows an easier integration of drivers for i2c sensors in the future
- Fix for windows build: deploy pthread dll
Release 28
What's New in Release 28
- error message for cancel-behaviour
- improvements for bot_follow_line():
- avoid endless turning, if bot starts right in the middle of the line
- drive straight, if not in search mode and no line sensors recognizes the line
- new adventcal-behavior bot_adventcal()
- behaviours sorted by priority value
- several comments improved:
- in bot-logic.c
- for prototype behaviour
- improvements for SD cards
- allow usage of SD card without expansion board
- more checks for card initialization
- i2c driver improved: spec conform handling of stop-condition in case of i2c_wait()
- map remote viewer improved
- several debug outputs improved:
- visual debug output for bot_goto_pos()
- more debug output for bot_follow_line()
- fifo debug output improved
- 2 todos for bugs noted
- adventcal-behavior: 3 maneuvers for turning to start position
- support for build with PlatformIO (optional)
- support for using VSCode as IDE alternative to Eclipse
Release 27
- support for gcc version 8
- support specifc gcc version used by makefile-build
- blocking version for fifo_put_data()
- cleanup in map code
- local buffer for map-2-sim data
- SPI master: use faster wait-while-busy version for short timeouts
- short step-by-step tutorial for drive_chess behaviour from anonybot
- logging improved, bugfixes for some LOG-messages
- follow_line behavior extended with initial search
- bugfix for build with recent mingw64 versions and some makefile optimizations
- workaround for fgets()’s asynchronous behavior on mingw64 platforms
- bugfix for behaviour_abl, if SDFAT is disabled. Fixes #47
- cleanup and improvements for makefile
- subfolder /Documentation renamed to /doc
- test scripts updated with an optional parameter for testing with a specific test case file only
- disable __gcc_isr instructions for timer ISR on MCU, might support gcc versions >= 8.0, but it’s untested
- build tests updated to detect a compiler misconfiguration (at least for include paths)
Release 26
- Warnings korrigiert
- Kommentare verbessert
- kleinere Bugfixes (ARM_LINUX_DISPLAY, avr-gcc 4.8.1, Servo mit MMC und soft-SPI, mingw-build, isInCallHierarchy())
- Unterstützung für RaspberryPi-Anbindung mit USB-2-Bot Adapter
- Coding Conventions verbessert
- Unterstützung für Motor Treiber DRV8835
- Rechtschreibfehler und Code-Formatierungen verbessert
- Aufräumarbeiten: Unterstützung für ATmega32 entfernt
Release 25.1
- Neuerungen in Release 25.1 (seit Release 25)
- Bugfixes im Verhaltensframework
- Bugfixes fuer Uart Kommunikation mit Raspberry Pi
Release 25
- Neuerungen in Release 25 (seit Release 24)
- Unterstuetzung fuer FAT-Dateisystem (FAT16 und FAT32) auf SD-Karten. Wird von Map, Log, uBasic, ABL, Speedlog verwendet.
- Unterstuetzung fuer SDHC-Karten.
Release 24
- Neuerungen in Release 24 (seit Release 23)
- Dokumentation fuer Technisat TTS35AI Fernbedienung erweitert
- Display und Shiftregister Code aufgeraeumt
- Bugfix Bootloader
- Buildsettings fuer Linux und macOS kombiniert (Debug-Linux_Mac)
- Dokumenation um Messprotokoll von anonybot ergaenzt
- Automatisierte Build Tests eingefuehrt, diverse Warnings beseitigt
- Bugfix fuer Fifo: Race-Condition korrigiert
- Bugfix fuer map-2-sim und Distanzsensorauswertung (out-of-bounds Zugriffe)
- Tastenmapping fuer Technisat TTS35AI Fernebdienung aktualisiert
- Fernbedienungskonfiguration nach bot-local.h verschoben
- Bugfix fuer MMC/SD-Karte falls MOUSE_AVAILABLE an ist. MMC-Code etwas aufgeraeumt.
- Remotecall-Display (DISPLAY_REMOTECALL_AVAILABLE) erweitert um Statusanzeige der Verhalten. Kann damit das Verhaltensdisplay (DISPLAY_BEHAVIOUR_AVAILABLE) ersetzen.
- Verhaltenskonfiguration aufgeraeumt
- Kompatibilitaet mit aktuellem AVR Compiler (4.9.2) und gcc 6.2
- Konfigurationsoptionen aufgeraeumt, Dokumentation ueberarbeitet