How to use Efinix FPGA Block RAM and PLL for FPGA design
你可以通过这个项目, 来快速了解如何使用Efinix FPGA内部的RAM,包括FIFO,DPRAM,还有PLL的使用
打开工程后, 可以看到PLL的设置情况。
This repo focus on introduction Efinix Trion Series FPGA Block RAM and PLL
- the project readme file
- Efinix 的官网是
Efinix FPGA 的第一个低成本FPGA家族是 Trion :
- you can register to access the documentation
- we will provide the EVB and software for your evaluation.
- ...
- FPGA lower than 30mw
- T4,T8 : 4K , 8K pure soft logic fabric product
- Package : 5x5mm FBGA81, 55 GPIOs
- EVB :
- T8EVB with build in programmer, you only need PC with USB
- T20EVB with build in programmer based on FTDI chip, you only need PC with USB
On Ubuntu 16LTS : Efinix provide the Free FPGA develop suit, you need register it and buy one piece of EVB
Other features :
- Efinity 2018.4, we use the Version 2018.4 test the project, you can use Efinity 2019.3 or other advanced version
- The Project is based on Efinix T20F256 EVB, its main features is as follows:
-- The Trion T20 BGA256 development board features:
-- T20 FPGA
-- 8 user LEDs
-- 3 user pushbutton switches, 3 user DIP switches
-- Micro-USB port
-- SPI and JTAG headers to facilitate configuration
-- 3 I/O headers to connect to external devices
-- 50 and 74.25 MHz oscillators
-- LVDS TX, RX, and clock headers
-- 256 Mb SDR SDRAM
STEP1: install Efinity 2018.4 or other advanced version in Win or Ubuntu
STEP2: get ready of the T20F256EVB,
- if you have same EVB with Efinix engieers, with the other words, it is easy to find the issue with same two boards when you need tech support.
STEP3: download the total repository directory into Efinity project directory, for examples, C:\Efinity\2018.4\project\ram_pll_test
STEP4: open the Efinity project with the ram_pll.xml
STEP5: download the FPGA design hex into FPGA, it is all set
you can study how to use the Efinity RAM and PLL when you want to transfer your previous project that based on other vendor FPGA
- clk_gen.v
- dual_clock_fifo.v
- shift_reg.v
- simple_dual_port_ram.v
- single_port_rom.v
- top.v
- true_dual_port_ram.v
- 通过修改HALF_SEC的参数, 可以看到LED的灯显示移位速度的改变
module top
input clk,
input locked,
output [7:0] led_o
//parameter HALF_SEC = 37500000; //real half second is 37500000
//parameter HALF_SEC = 18750000;// quad second is 18750000
//parameter HALF_SEC = 9375000;//quad second is 18750000
parameter HALF_SEC = 4687500;//Octal second is 4687500
parameter ROM_DWIDTH = 8;
parameter ROM_AWIDTH = 3;
- Jan-31-2020, migrate from 2018.2 to 2019.2
- Feb-1-2020, migrate from 2019.2 to 2019.3, certified
- Feb-26-2020, add the ram_pll_FileList 这个设计采用文件列表来进行设计文件的工程导入,当HDL的设计文件数目非常多的时候,可以采用这种方法。
Efinity by Ben Chen
The code is from Ben Chen
Project upload by Wisdom Zhang
Anything question: email: 909614802 at qq dot com