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Marcus Comstedt edited this page Jun 12, 2022 · 1 revision

J1 - Clockport

This connector allows for connection of expansion modules like RR-Net. Most pins are connected straight to the cartridge port, but the chip select and read/write signals are driven by the FPGA, meaning that the module must accept 3.3V logic on these pins. The pins on this connector are sometimes numbered 19 through 40 instead of 1 through 22. This numbering is given in parentheses below.

J1 pin Function Cartridge port pin FPGA pin
1 (19) GND 1, 22, A, Z (GND)
2 (20) +5V 2, 3 (+5V)
3 (21) INT6 D (/NMI)
4 (22) Spare /CS J5
5 (23) RTC /CS H4
6 (24) N/C
7 (25) /IORD H3
8 (26) /IOWR G3
9 (27) A5 V (A3)
10 (28) A4 W (A2)
11 (29) A3 X (A1)
12 (30) A2 Y (A0)
13 (31) D23 14 (D7)
14 (32) D22 15 (D6)
15 (33) D21 16 (D5)
16 (34) D20 17 (D4)
17 (35) D19 18 (D3)
18 (36) D18 19 (D2)
19 (37) D17 20 (D1)
20 (38) D16 21 (D0)
21 (39) GND 1, 22, A, Z (GND)
22 (40) /RESET C (/RESET)

J2 - Debug UART

This connector is intended for use as a debug UART, but can be used as two general GPIOs if so desired.

The pins have no ESD or short-circuit protection, but are connected straight to the FPGA. Please use caution. Signal levels are 3.3V.

J2 Pin Function FPGA pin
2 RXD E8
3 TXD D8

J3 - USB C

On the USB C connector, the super-speed pairs are not connected. CC1/CC2 has pull-downs to identify the port as an upstream facing port (UFP). SBU1 and SBU2 are routed to test points. VBUS can be used to power the cartridge, but no current can be sourced from the cartridge through VBUS. The connections from D+ and D- to the FPGA are protected with 20Ω resistors. D+ can be pulled up to +3.3V via a 1.5kΩ resistor.

J3 Pin Function Connection
A2 / B2 TX1/2+ N/C
A3 / B3 TX1/2- N/C
A4 / B4 VBUS Diode to VSYS
A5 / B5 CC1 / CC2 5.1kΩ pull-down
A6 / B6 D+ R5 (N6 pull-up)
A7 / B7 D- T4
A8 / B8 SBU1 / SBU2 Test point 1/2
A9 / B9 VBUS Diode to VSYS
A10 / B10 RX2/1- N/C
A11 / B11 RX2/1+ N/C
A12 / B12 GND GND

J4 - Micro SDcard

The full set of Micro SDcard signals are connected to FPGA pins. Only 3.3V operation is supported.

J4 pin Function FPGA pin
1 DAT2 C11
2 DAT3 / nCS B11
3 CMD / MOSI E11
4 +3.3V
5 CLK / SCLK A10
7 DAT0 / MISO C9
8 DAT1 / nIRQ E9
Switch Card detect A11


This connector has 4 GPIO signals, +3.3V and GND. This is similar to a PMOD connector, but a 2x3 pin footprint is used instead of 1x6. The pins use odd-even numbering, as opposed to the top-bottom numbering used in a dual PMOD connector. Pin 1 is marked with a quadratic pad.

The GPIO pins have no ESD or short-circuit protection, but are connected straight to the FPGA. Please use caution. Signal levels are 3.3V on all GPIO pins.

J5 pin Function FPGA pin
1 GPIO1 B9
2 GPIO2 B10
3 GPIO3 C10
4 GPIO4 A9
6 +3.3V


The JTAG operates at 3.3V levels. The SRST signal causes the FPGA to reload its configuration from flash if asserted. The pinout is commonly referred to as "SWD", even though it carries the full 4-pin JTAG interface rather than just the 2-pin SWD subset.

J6 pin Function FPGA pin
1 +3.3V
2 TMS T11
4 TCK T10
6 TDO M10
8 TDI R11
10 SRST R9
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