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Melody Cookbook: Create a blogroll with ConfigAssistant

mikert edited this page Feb 26, 2011 · 2 revisions

The first step is to define a configuration option which creates a link group. This is an example of such a configuration option. It creates one named Blogroll, which exposes a new template tag called Blogroll.

    label: Blogroll
    type: link-group
    fieldset: fs_widgets
    tag: Blogroll
    hint: This manages the blogroll widget

The second step is to create a widget. This is an example of how to lay it out.

        <h3>My Blogroll</h3>
            <mt:If name="__first__">
                    <a href="<$mt:var name="link_url"$>">
                        <$mt:var name="link_label"$>
                <mt:If name="__last__">

The reason that mt:Blogroll is actually accessed as mt:BlogrollLinks is because ConfigAssistant generates two template tags based on that one configuration option. mt:Blogroll is just a function tag that returns the raw value specified by the user in Theme Options. mt:BlogrollLinks is a block tag that sets up a special "links context" where certain variables are set for you to use. These are:

  • link_label
  • link_url
  • __first__
  • __last__
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