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config searchthrottleseconds

Byrne edited this page Nov 1, 2010 · 1 revision


Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) before search request is throttled.

Previously, ThrottleSeconds was used for the purpose; however it was also used for Comment and Trackback throttling. SearchThrottleSeconds serves only to public blog search.

By Default, the value specified is used to determine how long the request can take before MT gives up and returns the error. Plugins can change the behavior of how long the request can live, or how throttling could occur, so the meaning of the value of this directive may be different in such an environment.

Default: 5 (seconds)


SearchThrottleSeconds 3

This directive was introduced in version 4.2.

  • Categories: Appendix: Configuration Directives
  • Tags: config, New in MT4.2, search
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