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mikert edited this page Mar 15, 2011 · 1 revision


This table serves primarily as a quick lookup table for theme ("template sets" for Movable Type users) information.


  • theme_id - int(11) - The table's primary key.
  • theme_plugin_sig - varchar(255) - The theme's plugin envelope plus its config.yaml file. Example: DePoClean.plugin/config.yaml
  • theme_ts_desc - mediumtext - The theme's description field.
  • theme_ts_id - varchar(255) - The YAML key from the config.yaml file that corresponds to the theme. This is the YAML key that goes immediately under template_sets in the config.yaml file.
  • theme_ts_label - varchar(255) - The label for the theme from the config.yaml file.
  • theme_theme_meta - mediumblob - The theme's meta data.


  • mt_theme_plugin_sig - theme_plugin_sig
  • mt_theme_ts_id - theme_ts_id
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